UiiGooU - be welcome and be here. 

Welcome to UiiGooU - Tourist Routes.
UiiGooU - Tourist Routes is an agency
independent tourism. Here, you can choose the desired ROUTE, buy it and access the ROUTE MAP link with data about the location = João Pessoa, capital of Paraíba, Northeast region of Brazil. (Information in Portuguese and English). We see a lot of information online about travel. We see photos, videos, suggestions... however, these elements are not spatialized, that is, they’re not mapped and organized, right? How do I know if the place I want to visit
is far away? Where am I staying? How to organize my days and leisure schedules with the tours you
would like to take? How to make the most of your day with a
morning program and another in the afternoon or at night? Then, the idea of ​​UiiGooU - Tourist Routes
was born. Conceived from my experience, setbacks and successes when exploring the Brazilian Northeast. UiiGooU organizes information for your trip in THREE ROUTE CATEGORIES: 1) ADVENTURE 1. Sun's Route
2. Route Finding Nemo 3. Route Born to Be Wild
4. Route Relax, Take it Easy 2) FAIRS 1. Route Made in Brasil Jampa and 3) ARCHITECTURE 1. Route Heritage Jampa
2. Route Sacred Jampa

ROUTES offer: - one (1) MAP link (GoogleMaps) -> with stops main points and all points mentioned
in each ROUTE with text,
photos (including exclusive photos), unique images from observations and public and private videos; Points with text (in Portuguese and English),
photos, videos and images with curiosities
and observations, original content and some
exclusive images and links to videos never
published before. Content: MARCH 2022 - OCTOBER 2024; Links with references to all data mentioned. - one (1) TREASURE MAP file -> image with a scheme citing the points in order of tour and photos of each stop (points mentioned and corresponding photos); - one (1) ITINERARY file -> image with
instruction time (day or night);
tour instruction (individual or group);
transport instruction (on foot, by car,
by bicycle, by catamaran
); itinerary with distance and time from one
point to another; - one (1) SCHEDULE (OPENING HOURS) file -> image
with timetable operation of the
aforementioned establishments; - one (1) VIDEO link WITH AUDIO OF THE ROUTE
IN ENGLISH. Are you too lazy to read the information about
each point, from each stop? No problem.
When purchasing
the route desired, also access the private
video link and exclusive with audio of the route
(Portuguese and English), so you can learn and know by listening information while following the images and observe the locations. - one (1) exclusive PRIVATE TELEGRAM GROUP link
for UiiGooU clients, where you can exchange
information about your trip, route and tours.
After making the purchase, receive links with
information by email. There are four (4) links 1 - ROUTE MAP from GoogleMaps; 2- video with ROUTE AUDIO in Portuguese; 3- video with ROUTE AUDIO in English; both with points/stops and information correspondents; 4- link to access the EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAM GROUP. Also, at least, three (3) more files
with information: one (1) TREASURE MAP; one (1) ITINERARY;
one (1) OPENING HOURS. VALIDITY Minimum 6 months. In JUNE 2025, these ROUTES leave the website and become available for access until JANUARY 1, 2026. MUSIC Each ROUTE has its own specific playlist for you discover sounds and artists and enter the climate of each route.
Access Spotify from UiiGooU. UiiGooU * BE WELCOME AND BE HERE